Lets Go Series: 7 Books: numbers, shapes, colors, animals, animal sounds, musical instruments, and body parts

by AramediA
$ 39.95

Adam & Mishmish Board book – January 1, 2020

The "Lets Go Series" by Adam & Mishmish is a collection of 7 books that present basic concepts to children through books and songs. The topics are: numbers, shapes, colors, animals, animal sounds, musical instruments, and body parts. The series is based on Season One of the popular educational cartoon entitled Adam wa Mishmish.

Through a simple scan of the QR codes at the back of the books and set, the "Lets Go Series" brings into life the animation and liveliness of the Adam & Mishmish songs that help connect children to the written word and encourages reading. Concept books play an important part in introducing children to reading.

A successful concept book presents information about the world around our children in a way that encourages curiosity and builds the bridge between the real and imaginary world. The importance of Concept Books are :

- To enrich vocabulary - Connect words and concepts to tangible things - Introduce concepts about different environments in the world

- Prepare children for preschool by introducing numbers, shapes, colours etc. - Encourage children to explore new and exciting things in their environment.

- Encourage children to start reading. The "Lets Go Series" is an excellent collection for parents wanting to teach their children Arabic in a fun and interactive way.