A Story About a Boy Called Fayez: Children's Arabic Book by Syraj

by AramediA
$ 14.95 USD

Arabic Children's Books the Magic Lantern Series: In a mix of reality and fantasy "the Magic Lantern" series deals with childhood events and issues.

Each story ends with an easy to make craft idea connected to the story. Fayez keeps getting in trouble at school because he does not pay attention in class.

He becomes the butt of his classmates jokes 
and is nicknamed 'Abu Sarha" (the daydreamer) 
His stone cutter father decides to teach Fayez his "stone chiseling" 
trade during the summer holidays.

Fayez discovers that he can do a lot more with the stone than hit it and starts to create 
beautiful things.

"stone chiseling" is free form engraving of the lime stone used for house building in Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. 

Machines can do the job now but many contractors still prefer the hand made effect.