This is My Dad (Arabic Children's Book)

by AramediA
$ 12.95 USD

My Dad looks after me. My Dad plays with me. My Dad is with me every step of the way.

My dad is always there for me. I love you Dad. "This is my Dad" talks about the special relationship between a father and his child.

It reflects the important role that a father plays in caring for and bringing up his offspring. In very few and simple words a little girl starts the story by mentioning animal Dads that look after their offspring Just like a penguin, a sea horse or a Marmaroun monkey.

She then talks about her special relationship with her Dad who is with her from the day she is born and shows what an important part he plays in every stage of her life.

This story reflects an atypical view of the Father role in our culture. It shows that a Dad's role is not just about being a breadwinner but how he also plays an important role in his children's daily life.