myASLTech for 2-weeks Introductory Membership Offe

by AramediA
$ 2.00 USD
myASLTech is a unique suite of 10 assistive technology tools that enable users to:

Efficiently create and archive ASL-supported educational materials and quizzes,]
Support text with sign graphics and video in real time,
Build and share creations with other myASLTech Community members, and
Play games and read stories that reinforce ASL and English literacy.

myASLTech contains a central database of tens of thousands of words, phrases, symbols, idioms, and numbers and their representative sign language graphics and video clips. As the database expands (weekly), so do the capabilities of each assistive technology tool.

When you become a myASLTech member, you automatically get “banks” into which you can save your products (e.g., quizzes, questions, posters, worksheets) on our cloud-hosted server. By linking your banks with other members, you can share products with each other!

- 1-month, 6-month, and 12-month memberships are available for individuals, small groups (3-19 people), and large groups (20+ people).
- 6-month and 12-month kid memberships are also available for pre-college students. (School ID may be required.)