Adam & Mishmish - The Alphabet - آدم ومشمش - الحروف ; Compiled by: Adam and Mishmish, Illustrated by: Lutfi Zayed, Board book – January 1, 2020

by AramediA
$ 16.95 USD
Basic concept books play an important role in children’s first encounters with literature. They present information that children can explore with their imaginations and helps to build a bridge between their worlds and the real world. The” Adam and Mishmish” alphabet book is a great addition to the children's Arabic library. It is presented in a fun way by familiar and much-loved characters and accompanied by a song that kids can easily access’ What does this book do? Teaches children the shapes of the letters Develops conversation/communication skills and spoken language Helps children to connect the shapes of letters with their sounds Builds children’s vocabulary Helps children to become readers at a young age Combines multiple activities such as reading, singing, dancing with songs that accompany the letters