Scooby-Doo Classic Comics

by AramediA
$ 9.99 USD
Now available for the first time - 20 plete Classic Scooby-Doo ic books on CD-ROM. The first in a series of collectible ics the digital content is provided in an easy-to-read PDF format full color and printable from your desktop printer.The main menu of the CD-ROM guides you to 20 individual Scooby-Doo Classic ic books key characters bios support help and a Scooby-Doo website that includes up-to-date information about your favorite Scooby-Doo characters.Each full-color and printable digital version of the ic on the CD-ROM includes the originally published ads stories and editorial.The ic book menu allows for easy navigation to your favorite ic book. Click on one of the covers on the screen to launch the full ic books in the viewer. From there you can view read and print each ic book.System Requirements:Microsoft : Windows XP Professional or Home Edition (Service Pack 1 or 2) Windows 2000 (Service Pack 6 or 6a). 128MB of RAM (256 remended). Up to 90MB of available hard drive space. Microsoft Inter Explorer 5.5 (or higher) Netscape 7.1 (or 8.0) Firefox 1.0 or MOzilla 1.7. Macintosh : Macintosh PowerPC G3 G4 or G5 processor Mac OSX v. 10.2.8 10.3 or 10.4. 128MB of RAM (256 remended). Up to 110MB of available hard-disk space. Safari 1.2.2. browser supported for Mac OS X 10.3 or higher. Format: WIN 959898SEMENT2000XPVISTAWIN 7/MAC 10.0 OR LATER/LINUX Genre: ENTERTAINMENT Age: 791149910137 UPC: 791149910137 Manufacturer No: 10137