Jurisprudence of Transactions Version 1.0

by AramediA
$ 59.95 USD

The complete guide to the views of Islamic Shari`ah towards contemporary transactions This program is a scholarly library through which the user can easily navigate, search for information, and do the practice.

Counselors of economic sciences at Dallah Al-Barakah have collaborated with the experts in religious programs at Harf to develop the Jurisprudence of Transactions program.

Key Features: Covers seventeen of the most important juristic topics related to financial transactions assigned by experts in this field, such as lease contracts, manufacturing, sales, money exchange, advance payment, suretyship, bills of exchange and partnership.

Widens the scope of search to include juristic references from many juristic schools, such as Fatawa Ibn Hajar, Al-Mabsut, and Al-Mudauwwanah Al-Kubra. Displays subjects of financial transactions in various ways: - Juristic chapters in full with complete text and explanation. - Juristic summaries and quotations. - Definitions and juristic descriptions. Provides modern applications of financial Fatwas authenticated by Islamic authorities and organizations, such as the Academy of Islamic Jurisprudence in Jeddah and Faisal Islamic Bank.

Arranges the judicial terms included with their meanings and places them in table format for easy reference. Features Imam Al-Qurtubi's interpretation of Qur'anic verses included in all main topics, with an audio recitation of the verses.

Searches based on morphological analysis technology, making it easy to search by a word or phrase in many ways, with the capability to save and print the search results. Provides ordered indexes of Qur'anic verses, Prophetic Hadiths, outstanding figures, jurists, and references. The user may copy text to any word processor.