Us Three Together : Arabic Children's Book (Musical Tickles Series)

by AramediA
$ 14.95 USD

Counting games and Rhymes are common among children in many cultures.

This book has many traditional counting rhymes that relate to basic numeracy. It can help children learn to count to 10 or just have fun with numbers.

Some of the rhymes were used as counting out games where children would chant the rhyme pointing at each child in turn and when the rhyme ended the child pointed at would be counted out of the game.

Rhymes in this book include:

1- I Have an Egg
2- The Bear Got Up to Dance
3- Seven Camels
4- The Three of Us
5- Count to Six
6- Hakara Bakara
7- The Fox
8- How Much Do I Love You?
9- Oh Flower
10- Two Rabbits
11- Let's Count to 10
12- The Story Has Ended

Use these rhymes to entertain and teach your child.

These fun rhymes give children the opportunity to practice counting up to 10. They also help in numeral recognition and some addition.

In "Lets Count to 10" a connection is made between the shape of different things and the shape of each numeral which makes it easier for the child to recognize numbers.

In "Two Rabbits" for example, the colors black and white are mentioned.

In "Oh flower" the children join in with 3 claps which helps teach them the concept of "3".

The concept of 3 is repeated in the rhyme "Us Three Together" where opposites are also mentioned.

Tall and short, front and back. The rhyme" How Much Do I Love You?" gives a small child his first sense of the vastness of the universe while at The same time giving him the reassurance and security of the endless and unconditional love of his mother.

Some of the rhymes have an underlying meaning which comes from the traditional occasion of the rhyme.

One such rhyme is " Seven Camels". On one level the children can enjoy it as a counting rhyme of 7 camels but on another they can be told the occasion of this rhyme which will make the rhyme even more special.